Who is ISO?
ISO stands for International Organisation for Standardisation.
It a non-governmental organisation formed by a network of standards institutes from 164 countries based in Switzerland.
It is the largest standards organisation in the world.
In a global marketplace, the various ISO standards that companies achieve certification in ensure consistency and quality. Across industries, companies, governments and nations.
What is ISO Certification?
The ISO certification signifies global acknowledgment that an organization’s system, process, service, or set of procedures comply with the standards and ensure quality assurance.
There are literally hundreds of standards an organisation can be certified in, ISO9001 is probably the best known and most common. It defines the criteria for meeting a number of quality management principles.
The ISO certification AssetAccountant has achieved is ISO27001.
AssetAccountant – saving you from spreadsheets since 2019
What is ISO27001 and Why is it Important?
Its full reference is actually: ISO/IEC 27001 – Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements.
It is an international standard developed for Information Security.
It enforces security controls not just for IT personnel, but implements best practice security methods across the whole business.
It help organisations to protect their data/information in a regulated manner via the development of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) with the 3 main objectives of:
(a) Confidentiality: Only authorised people have access to information.
(b) Integrity: Only authorised people can edit information.
(c) Availability: The information must be available to authorised people on demand.
To achieve certification, we developed, implemented and improved our information security processes, procedures and policy documentation.
We underwent a series of detailed internal audits before committing to a formal external audit by an ISO approved certifier – in our case we were audited and certified by international DNV-GL.
Why our clients love AssetAccountant

Fantastic product - has literally saved me hours of work.

Ever wanted the big company fixed asset system without all the clunkiness and overthinking on the part of the software developers (I'm looking at you Thomson Reuters...)? Well then you need AssetAccountant. It provides just the right mix of complex depreciation calculations and beautiful user interface. It's a system designed by accountants and executed perfectly by developers. The integration is seamless with Xero (you can sign into AA with Xero credentials which is awesome if you are already running Xero on your browser) and journaling synchs are very flexible between the two applications. Then there is the price. I challenge you to find a more robust fixed asset system at these price points. Well done AssetAccountant.
You get me.
I now have my big boy jocks back on for fixed asset management....and they fit!

Why AssetAccountant’s ISO27001 Certification is Good For You – Our Client
Having created an Information Security Management System (ISMS) and being ISO27001 certified, AssetAccountant proves to its clients and partners that we value their data and it is secure.
Our Tier 1 accounting firms clients insist on us having this certification and as far as we are aware, we have no like-for-like competitor that shares this proactive approach to minimising information security threats.